NYU Home

Design Summary

NYU Home is the university’s global portal connecting students, faculty, and administrators from three different international campuses. The portal provides administrative services, such as class registration, billing to students—online shopping, and health services for faculty and administrators. The proposal calls for a clean, modern, responsive, and global design.

User Interface Research and Design

NYU began a redesign of its student and faculty web portal with the vision of consolidating the disparate third-party tools used by the university into one cohesive platform. The NYU Global Home project aimed to resolve the usability issues from previous versions and determine the features to prioritize on this redesign. With the usability report from a consulting firm, I led the research and design of a new user interface that is both modern and cohesive.


Since implementing the new NYU Global Home portal and consolidating core products into services and people, we have received positive feedback and an overall reduction in complaints and confusion in finding information and services.